Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peanut Butter Shake

Recipe from Kids in the Kitchen:

1 Cup Milk

1 Banana, peeled and sliced

1 Tablespoon peanut butter
1. Place all ingredients into a blender

2. Put lid on tight
3. Blend until smooth

4. Poor into a glass and enjoy

Makes 1 serving

Adult Help: Help running blender for small children.

Jaden Review:
Not too bad but needs more peanut butter. Little too much banana taste and not enough peanut butter. Had to put into fridge to get it cold again after being in blender. Decided to give the rest to Willow and I just got the peanut butter and crackers out instead. 2 stars

Mom Review:
ICK... Blah....SPIT. Someone give me a beer to wash this taste out of my mouth ASAP..... Aaahh, that's better! Oops, kids blog, I meant a root beer. Well I think that sums it up for me. Maybe if there had been some ice cream in it? I will give it 1 star for simple fact I am sure I will taste worse at some point of all this and I will reserve 0 star for those.

It was easy cleanup other than the fact that Willow pushed hers away and spilled it. I am guessing her rating of this drink is low too.

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